
02 April 2011

Script Frenzy Begins!

Apologies to anyone who reads my blog: March was full of editing (National Novel Editing Month, 50 hours of editing in 31 days), and I just never got around to writing a new blog post.
So, even though it's April, and April is not only Script Frenzy (100 pages in 30 days), but also National Poetry Writing Month (30 poems in 30 days), and I've decided to do both, I will also attempt to write more blog posts. At least one per week.

Some brief updates:
Screnzy: 6 pages of 100, and I'm on track so far. (I'm doing a stage-play adaptation of my story the Taking, which is about how horrifying Faerie is.)
NaPoWriMo: 2 poems so far, neither of them emotion-based (they both have to do with fairy tales), and one of them is composed of rhyming couplets!
(And there's a Rapunzel contest going on over at Enchanted Conversation, so that's gonna occupy my poetry for the next couple days ... )
EdMo: though it's over, I figured I'd mention that I did get 50 hours of editing done, and I think I have two hours left (on the thirty-first, I got five chapters in five hours, so I figure the last two chapters in two hours is a reasonable guess--and no, I don't have fifty-two chapters, but I did do multiple drafts) before I have a presentable version of my novel, Lifechanger. When that happens, I'll start sending it to CALLIHOO (the writing group) for critique. But I'm pleased with it.
Bellydancing: Monday was my first bellydancing class, yay! It was lots of fun!

And that might be it for updates. See you in a few days, hopefully.

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