
28 October 2007


I promise better pictures soon. But I wanted to show you all!

The first is the complete outfit. You can't see my shoes, but that's okay. They're not that impressive.

The second is a closeup on the corset itself. Isn't it cute?

And the third is the back, because I was really impressed with my designing skills. It turned out exactly as I wanted, with the frilly/lacey in the back, hanging down.

Quickly: the wig my boss found at Big Lots (and it's CHEAP); the corset I made out of a bed sheet and milk-jug plastic (for boning), with button-holes instead of grommets, lace embellishments, and the most gorgeous ribbon ever. I got the pattern here. It was supposed to be an under-bust, but I made it really long. It was supposed to be "a pair of bodies"(/stays), but I didn't understand the instructions until it was too late, so it's all one piece. Underneath the corset I'm wearing part of the bedsheet, just wrapped around my front, with sheer material and lace sewn on the bottom and side edges. The bloomers I made from a pair of thrift-store pajama-bottoms (hand-sewn, because I didn't have a sewing machine at the time). The fishnets I bought at Hot Topic (shame on me), the stripey stockings I got from, and the armwarmers (that I apparently took off before taking the pictures!!) were custom-made for me by someone on dA. The parasol was a gift from my lover. I made the spoon necklace (spoonlace)(which actually you can't see in any of the pictures I have here, because I moved it out of the way in the corset close-up pic), the lace was leftover from my costume and safety-pinned on (badly), and the little black necklace was a gift from my mom.

So: the corset's a bit long, and the plastic, not having been perfectly straight to begin with, crumples weirdly and buckles a lot, because it wasn't straight.
It was an adventure sewing it. The buttonholes are a bit small, and I've already complained about the plastic.

But it's SOOO lovely!

And I am SOOO fucking tired. Time for bed!


  1. Wow! Your costume is perfect, and oh so lovely! I am really impressed with your work on the corset too, so creative and frilly, and just plain beautiful.

    Too bad you don't live closer, because it would be so fun to frolic through Chicago in our bloomers sometime!

  2. Lovely Opheliac! The costume is darling. I'm applauding you!

    Hmmmph. I'm envious of the bloomers, though. I reenact the American Revolution--and there was no such thing as pantalets or bloomers then. I've always wanted a pair...I'll have to make one just for fun =)


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